herausgegeben von Uwe Laugwitz
Mitherausgeber der Bände 1-12: Robert Detobel
Sonderband 1, 3, 5 und 6 herausgegeben von Gary Goldstein
Gesamtverzeichnis und ausgewählte Aufsätze

A. Bronson Feldman
Early Shakespeare
Editor: Warren Hope

Abraham Bronson Feldman (1914-1982) earned the Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees in literature from the University of New Mexico. He eventually earned the Ph. D. from the University of Pennsylvania where he wrote a doctoral dissertation on the influence of the Dutch wars on Tudor drama. He later trained as a lay psychoanalyst by studying under Dr. Theodor Reik, the disciple of Freud. He practiced as an analyst and taught history at the Community College of Philadelphia. He is the author of such books as The Unconscious in History, Stalin, The Red Lord of Russia, and Hamlet Himself. He also published approximately one hundred articles in such journals as the Shakespeare Fellowship Quarterly, the American Imago, the Psychoanalytic Review, Notes and Queries, Kronus, and Catastrophism and Ancient History.

In Early Shakespeare, A. Bronson Feldman, a scholar with wide-ranging interests, uses biographical, historical, and psychoanalytic approaches to analyze Shakespeare’s first ten plays in the order of their composition. He shows that the author developed a pattern of alternating comedies with romances, beginning with The Comedy of Errors, and eventually engaged in an experiment in tragedy with the writing of Titus Andronicus. The result is a book that sheds light not only on these ten plays, but also on their author, the court of Elizabeth, the conflicts of the time, and the culture of the period. It represents a major contribution to the scholarship associated with J. Thomas Looney’s discovery that Edward de Vere, the seventeenth Earl of Oxford, was the true author behind the pen name William Shakespeare.

Neues Shake-Speare Journal special edition vol. 8 574 S., 14,8 x 20,9 cm, 28,- (subscription price 25,-)
auch als e-book lieferbar ---available as an e-book now
Hamlet’s Elsinore Revisited
The author’s sources of knowledge about Elsinore and Denmark
By Sten F. Vedi and Gerold Wagner

Neues Shake-Speare Journal special edition vol. 7
164 S., 22x21 cm, 15,- (subscription price 12,-)

How could so much knowledge about Denmark and Danish circumstances find its way into the drama about ‘Hamlet Prince of Denmark’? For many researchers (as we shall see as we proceed) this has been a pivotal question, but one that have given different answers. We have sought to apply the same approach and found that Polonius has been a key figure in this respect. Polonius, the man from Poland, is an important character in the drama about “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”. He was an adviser close to the Danish king Claudius and besides he was the father of Ophelia with whom Hamlet had an intimate relation. Several scholars have speculated as to the real identity of Polonius and wondered if it is possible to recognise a role model. The main purpose of this book is to follow the tracks to the primary sources and reveal the true person hiding behind the name of the character. Is it possible to decide whom the name Polonius refers to and to trace the relevant sources of information in this respect? We shall offer evidence that the name Polonius refers to Henrik Ramel (ca 1550-1610), “Hofmeister” to Frederik II of Denmark. We shall together discover the relevant fingerprints in this case and follow the lines of communication to and from England. We shall even widen the perspective and discuss why the scene is set at the Danish court. These are so far the main research questions. Nevertheless, by way of deduction, another question becomes relevant: Who could have had access to the communication? This problem cannot be discussed without raising the authorship question. Who was inspired by the old myth about Amleth? Who wrote ‘Hamlet, Prince of Denmark’?

Neue Folge Band 6 (Jahrgang 2017/2018)

Ochsenfords Art / Manner of Oxenford
-- 20 Jahre Neues Shake-speare Journal

Ein weiteres Porträt Uwe Laugwitz: Rückblick auf 20 Jahre Dokumente aus den ersten Jahren Oxford For Lancaster! [Konzept U. L., 23. 8. 1996] [Brief U. L., 29. 5. 1997] Robert Detobel: Viel Gips, kaum Knochen Ludwig Tieck: Fünfter Entwurf: Chronologisches Verzeichnis der Stücke Shakespeares. (1821.) Christian Fuchs: Zu Shakespeare. Notizen eines Dramaturgen. Lesezirkel, Februar 1994 Robert Butler: Shakespeare & Co Gary Goldstein: Wer war James Joyces Shakespeare? Alexander Waugh: Praise for Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford Gerold Wagner: Fremde Hände im Tempest? Hanjo Schmidt: Briefe zur Sturm-Diskussion Gerold Wagner: Cymbeline Gary Goldstein: Eine kritische Antwort auf The New Oxford Shakespeare: Modern Critical Edition James Warren: The First 100 Overt References In Print To Edward De Vere As Shakespeare Buchkritik Alexander Waugh: Reflections on the True Shakespeare, by Gary Goldstein Getrude Grabert: The troublesome Raigne of King Iohn Notizen Errata in Band 5, N. F.

ISBN 9783-933077-52-3, 196 S., EUR 17,- (Abonnement 14,-)

Reflections on the True Shakespeare is a clear and fascinating presentation of Oxfordian scholarship regarding the Shakespeare authorship controversy. Among other topics, Gary Goldstein explores the extant poetry of the 17th Earl of Oxford, Edward de Vere, as the juvenilia of the author we know as William Shakespeare, the use of the expanding popular theater as a vehicle of propaganda for the Tudor government, and the underlying presence of the Essex dialect in the plays. Throughout it all, he demonstrates an enduring curiosity, a wide and deep erudition, and an acute eye for crucial evidence.
Don Ostrowski, Lecturer (History), Harvard University

Gary Goldstein's Reflections on the True Shakespeare gathers a wide range of essays in a highly effective way. What sets Goldstein's work apart is the seriousness with which he treats his subject – seeing the authorship question as a cultural riddle with important implications – and the respect he has for fact. Most of the essays persuasively pile up factual evidence in support of a thesis and yet are written in a lively way so that the arguments are compelling. He is especially good on Shakespeare’s knowledge and use of foreign languages but is also able to use the same approach to make a convincing case that Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford, was James Joyce’s candidate for Shakespearean honors.
Warren Hope, Professor of English, University of the Sciences

After he received a master’s degree from New York University, Gary Goldstein coproduced Uncovering Shakespeare, a three-hour televi-sion program on the Shakespeare authorship issue moderated by William F. Buckley, Jr. Goldstein later founded The Elizabethan Review, a peer-reviewed history journal that focused on the English Renaissance, which he served as editor from 1993-2001. Later, he was co-editor of Brief Chronicles from 2009-2011, a peer-reviewed literary journal that concen-trates on authorship studies.

special issue no. 6 of NEUES SHAKE-SPEARE JOURNAL
ISBN 9783-933077-47-9, 252 p., EUR 13,-

Neue Folge Band 5 (Jahrgang 2015/2016)

Botanik, Fechtkunst, Medizin, Latein, Bibliophilie, Reformation
-- einige Bildungaspekte bei Shakespeare

Uwe Laugwitz: Zu dieser Veröffentlichung * Ein weiteres Porträt * Gerold Wagner: Rocco Bonetti, the Butcher of a Silk Button * Rapier, Fechten, Duell und Ehrenkodex bei Shakespeare * Shakespeares medizinische Kenntnisse * Wie kommt Dr. Caius in die Merry Wives of Windsor? * Latein bei Marlowe und Shakespeare (mit Originaltexten und Übersetzungen von Frank-Patrick Steckel, Ludwig Tieck und Dietrich Schamp, kommentiert von Gerold Wagner) * (I) Loues Labor’s lost IV.ii * (II) Loues Labor’s lost V.i * (III) The Troublesome Reign of King John I, 1 * (IV) The Troublesome Reign of King John III, 1 * (V) Marlowe, Massaker, Ramus-Szene * (VI) Marlowe, Doctor Faustus, Monolog I, 1 * (VII) Marlowe Faust, Astronomie-Szene (II, iii) * (VIII) Marlowe Faust, Beschwörungsszene * Ernst Robert Curtius über Shakespeare als Buchkenner und -liebhaber * Gerold Wagner: Curriculum Vitae mit Begleittext * Jan Cole: Oxfords Aufenthalt in Deutschland * Robert Detobel: Harold Bloom und die Verfasserschaftsfrage * Getrude Grabert: Gedanken zu einigen Dramen * Buchkritik * William J. Ray: Dr. Magri’s Bow and Quiver * Walter Klier: Von den Sagenhaften * Notizen

ISBN 9783-933077-43-1, 202 S., EUR 17,- (Abonnement 14,-)

Neue Folge Band 4
Shakespeare-Lektüre 1

Annette Reschke: Laudatio auf Frank-Patrick Steckel * Uwe Laugwitz: Zu dieser Veröffentlichung * Christopher Paul: Die kurios verworrene Chronik * Frank-Patrick Steckel: Brief aus der Werkstatt * Noemi Magri über Othello: * Othellos Haus in der Sagittary * Shakespeare und die Schiffe der Republik Venedig * Shakespeares Namen * Italienische Ausdrücke bei Shakespeare * Nino Erné: Der Fall Othello * Richard Paul Roe: Mittsommer in Sabbioneta * Getraude Grabert: Karneval in Venedig * Peter R. Moore: Did Ralegh Try To Kill Essex? * Notizen * Buchkritik

ISBN 9783-933077-38-7, 136 S., EUR 15,- (Abonnement 12,-)

Noemi Magri
Such Fruits Out of Italy

The Italian Renaissance
in Shakespeare’s Plays and Poems

Noemi Magri's combination of a detailed first-hand knowledge of Italian geography, architecture, art, and history with a cool-headed, rigorous approach to scholarship results in the kind of dazzling criticism that is rare in Shakespeare studies. She is unlike those traditional Shakespeare scholars who, as she says, "rejoice" in finding factual errors in Shakespeare. Instead, she rejoices in finding the reality that is behind Shakespeare's work. Her identification of the actual paintings described in the "Induction" to Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew is a tour de force, but her whole book crackles with the passion of discovery. It is not to be missed. –
Warren Hope, Professor of English, University of the Sciences

Not only does Noemi Magri assure us that "Nothing in Shakespeare is meaningless," she shows this to be the case with numerous overlooked or misinterpreted details regarding Shakespeare's intimate knowledge of Italy: its art, geography, politics, law, etymologies, and more. Collecting Magri's work into one volume here, Such Fruits Out of Italy is a treasury of Shakespearean discoveries, and a triumph of scholarship.
Michael Delahoyde, Clinical Professor of English, Washington State University

Noemi Magri's Such Fruits Out of Italy is a fascinating and scrupulously researched collection of essays that makes an excellent case for the idea that Shakespeare must have visited Italy, not merely read about the country in his source material.
Sky Gilbert, Associate Professor of Theatre, University of Guelph

A graduate of Ca’ Foscari University in Venice, Noemi Magri later devoted her PhD dissertation to Philip Sidney’s Astrophel and Stella, producing a new critical edition based on the first four editions of that Elizabethan book of sonnets. She also earned the distinction of being an Italian Fulbright scholar at New York University in 1985. For most of her professional career, she taught English at Mantua’s ITIS School and then trained the English instructors at ITIS. She also promoted English language and literature in Italian schools as an officer of the Anglo-Italian Society. For the last 15 years of her life she conducted the research and writing required to produce Such Fruits Out of Italy. She passed away in May 2011 in her native Mantua.

Editor: Gary Goldstein
special issue no. 3 of NEUES SHAKE-SPEARE JOURNAL
ISBN 9783-933077-37-0, 300 p., EUR 15,-

Neue Folge Band 3
Bilder und Bücher

Zu dieser Veröffentlichung * Ben Jonson: To the Reader. * Frank-Patrick Steckel: Notizen zu Ben Jonsons Gedicht (mit einer eigenen Übersetzung) * Hanjo Schmidt: Gedanken zum Droeshout-Stich * Werner von Koppenfels: So sollst du dir ein Bild machen * Vladimir Nabokov über Shakespeare * Shakespeare (1924) Nachdichtung von Frank-Patrick Steckel * Das Bestardzeichen (1947) * Weiteres zum Thema Bilder * C. W. Malim: Ein Pächter, der sich in Erwartung einer reichen Ernte aufhing * Peter Moore: Die Rolle der Zeit in Macbeth * Robin Fox: Oxfords Prozesse und Timons Charakter * Karl Marx über Timon und Geld * Gerold Wagner: Argall, she drowned herself wittingly * Notizen

ISBN 9783-933077-33-2, 128 S., EUR 15,- (Abonnement 12,-)

Robin Fox
Shakespeare’s Education

Schools, Lawsuits, Theater and the Tudor Miracle

In Shakespeare's Education, the eminent anthropologist Robin Fox attempts to make the case for de Vere.
Times Higher Education

I'm one of those with a serious armchair interest in the Oxford Shakespeare argument, and I appreciate books like this one from a thorough-going academic who's willing to sweat the details. ... This short book by Fox helped my understanding in two major ways. First, its thorough chapter on Tudor schools gave me a clearer perspective on the fairly certain education of Oxford and the possible education of Stratford Shakespeare. ... Second, I greatly appreciated Fox's careful discussion of Oxford's fortune and why it disappeared, in the context of a major social/political shift that took off with Henry VII and that led to the draining on not only the Oxford fortune but of other noble wealth in land. ... Fox ties this aspect of Oxford's life also closely with the plays, especially Timon of Athens. There's lots more in the book, and lots of good leads for still further reading.
Alan Venable on

Fox contends that the works attributed to William Shakespeare were written by Edward de Veré, the Earl of Oxford, and supports his argument by careful analysis of the works of Shakespeare, especially passages related to schools and teaching and what they might suggest about the education of the author.
Nicholas Graham, Library Journal

World-renowned anthropologist Robin Fox turns his analytic eye on the Shakespeare authorship issue, and asks and answers some stark questions. He attacks some shibboleths on both sides of the debate, and comes to his own conclusions. Robin Fox is an anthropologist and historian of ideas, and is University Professor of Social Theory at Rutgers University. Educated at the London School of Economics, Harvard and Stanford University, he did research with Pueblo Indians, Irish islanders and Macaque monkeys in the Caribbean. He founded the department of anthropology at Rutgers in 1967 (among the top ten in the U.S.) and was for twelve years a director of research for the H. F. Guggenheim Foundation with Lionel Tiger, co-author of The Imperial Animal. His Kinship and Marriage is one of the most consulted social science texts in the world. His latest book is The Tribal Imagination: Civilization and the Savage Mind (Harvard UP). (

special issue no. 5 of NEUES SHAKE-SPEARE JOURNAL
ISBN 9783-933077-30-1, 182 p., EUR 12,-
Wahrheit und Dichtung,
Umdichtung, Weiterdichtung

Face reality on this »Prince Tudor« business
Peter R. Moore


Klassiker-Lektüre * Zu dieser Veröffentlichung * Christopher Paul: »Shakespeares verlorenes Königreich«* John Gill: Zwei Rezensionen zur Prinz-Tudor-Hypothese * Noemi Magri: Die lateinischen Wahlsprüche auf der Titelseite von Henry Peachams Minerva Britannia * Noemi Magri: Der Einfluss italienischer Renaissancekunst auf Shakespeares Werk: Tizians »Venus und Adonis« im Palazzo Barberini in Rom * Ein Gespräch mit Richard Paul Roe * Roger Stritmatter: »Nicht ich bin es« – Sünde, Verfasserschaft und Wille bei Shakespeare und Paulus * Ramon Jimenéz: Wie zuverlässig ist Stilometrie? * Kurt Kreiler: Eine Antwort an Robert R. Prechter * u.a.

ISBN 9783-933077-28-8, 176 S., EUR 10,-
John Thomas Looney
und Sigmund Freud

11. 3. 1928
Wien, IX. Berggasse 19.
Dear [Ernest] Jones
[...] Ich stehe wieder unter dem Eindruck eines Buches, das ich nach einem Jahr zum zweiten Mal gelesen. Ein Buch eines Mannes Looney, Shakespeare Identified, 1920 in Amerika veröffentlicht, aber der Autor ist offenbar Engländer. Darin wird Edwarde de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, als der Verfasser von Shakespeare’s Lyrik und Dramen wahrscheinlich gemacht. Ich war bisher überzeugter Stratfordianer und habe besonders die Baconhypothese als unsinning abgewiesen. Aber jetzt, muß ich bekennen, bin ich durch Looney’s Ermittlungen sehr beeindruckt, fast überzeugt. Wenn dieser Aristokrat, von dessen Leben viel bekannt ist und noch mehr bekanntwerden kann, wirklich Shakesp. ist, dann haben wir an unseren analytischen Konstruktionen manches abzuändern, vielleicht manches auch zu gewinnen. Es wäre doch das Interesse eines Analytikers wert, sich um diese Sache anzunehmen. Welche Aufnahme hat das Buch von Looney in England gefunden? Wie hat man sich zu der merkwürdigen Aufklärung der Sonette u. a. verhalten? Möchten Sie nicht nachforschen, ob sich auf der neuen Annahme eine verläßliche Analyse Shakesp’s aufbauen läßt? [...]
Ihr Freud


Sigmund Freud: Ansprache im Frankfurter Goethe-Haus * Zur Gründung der Neuen Shake-speare Gesellschaft * Zu dieser Veröffentlichung * John Thomas Looney (1870-1944). Ein Nachruf in Briefen * V. A. Demant: Erinnerungen an John Thomas Looney * J. T. Looney: Der Charakter des Problems/Die Methode der Untersuchung
Freud über Shakespeare * I Hamlet und Ödipus/Freuds Shakespeare-Studien bis 1910 * II Das Motiv der Kästchenwahl (1913) * III Die Ausnahmen/Die am Erfolge scheitern (1916) * IV „Da sind dunkle Mächte im Spiel“/Freuds Abkehr von Stratford * V „Eine ungeheure Taktlosigkeit“/Freud, Jones, Looney und Gay * VI Freud als Oxfordianer *
Richard M. Waugaman: Psychoanalyse und die Verfasserschaftsfrage * Ludwig Wittgenstein und Shakespeare * Kurt Kreiler: Shakespeare ist ein Anderer * Notizen/In Memoriam

ISBN 9783-933077-27-1, 164 S., EUR 10,-

Peter R. Moore
The Lame Storyteller, Poor and Despised

Studies in Shakespeare
Editor: Gary Goldstein

special issue no. 1 of
xvi + 345 S., geheftet

subscription price/
Subskriptonspreis: EUR 15,-

additional postage charges for international supplies

Too often the work of Oxfordian scholars is hidden away in tiny periodicals with small readerships, poor production values, and little distribution. It is good that Peter Moore’s work has been gathered into a book so that it might reach appreciative readers now and in the future. His work deserves to find its way onto library shelves as well as into the hands of sympathetic readers. All Oxfordians can and should take pride as well as pleasure in it. Warren Hope

I urge everyone who cares about the Authorship Question to get it while you can! Get it, read it, and talk about it! Whether your interest is to acquire a deeper understanding of some of the more knotty issues or to argue effectively with Stratfordians, Peter Moore is your man, for no one has ever put the argument more succinctly. Stephanie Hughes

This book should form an essential part of every Oxfordian’s library: many of its conclusions force ‘orthodox’ opinions into logically impossible distortions. ... Gary Goldstein’s deep care and attention as editor and Uwe Laugwitz’s enthusiasm for the production and publishing of the project are some compensation for the loss of the diamond brain of Peter Moore. Richard Malim

The Lame Storyteller, Poor and Despised publishes more than two dozen papers and monographs that originally appeared in peer reviewed journals in Europe and the United States from 1993 to 2006.
It is the testament of one of the most brilliant Shakespeare scholars of his generation.

Laugwitz Verlag
Kontakt/Impressum: Matthias-Claudius-Weg 11 B, D-21244 Buchholz i.d.N. Tel. (0049)4181-38895 e-mail: